1. Maximum capacity of a luggage locker
1. Storage unit with a small door
2. Room where luggage is stored temporarily
3. Used to lock and unlock a luggage locker
4. Luggage that remains in storage after the trip
5. Storage compartment on a plane or ship
6. A rectangular container for holding clothes and belongings
7. Misplace or be unable to find luggage
8. Line formed by people waiting
9. Measure taken to protect luggage and belongings
10. Point of reaching a destination
11. Safe and protected from theft or damage
12. To recover or get back luggage
13. Wheeled cart for transporting luggage
14. Determine the weight of luggage
15. Permission to enter the luggage storage area
16. Tag with identification details attached to luggage
17. Label attached to luggage for identification
18. Process of retrieving luggage after a journey
19. Area for collecting luggage after a trip